Arildsen Chambers 發表更新 6 年, 1 月前
There is no reason to stop you, taken you know and can play Basic Strategy backwards flawlessly, have the ability to count a deck down in roughly 25 seconds using a counting method, and know 12 or more Advanced Strategies to increase your odds against the online casinos.
Confident about your playing ability and have no problem with the requirement listed above – you are on your way – YOU ARE A PROFESSIONAL BLACKJACK PLAYER already. People require 3 very important things before they will be convinced to becoming a full time professional player – family, security, and finance. In fact these 3 factors will influence any person in any major job decision they take throughout their life, oh….and….where they live! Living in Las Vegas or Nevada is not quite your family neighbourhood!
The lifestyle of a professional gambler could also not be to the players’ liking – nor to his family’s and he may lose more than just his money in the end. They must also remember that Blackjack does not come with full medical or unemployment insurance, and that his finance might not be large enough to cover a long run of losses, or to make the big bets needed to get the big one! It is a big decision, as changing any job should be, perhaps it can be taken slowly?
What if the player could make some sort of achievable goal during the time he still ahs that stable job, family, security, and extra cash to play with? If a player has "professional Blackjack" skills, why not let it work for him?
For example: A part time player has a day job making just under $ 100 / day. He keeps records his play at the tables and has a win : loss ratio of about 5 : 1, (5 wins out of 6 times). He wins on average 6 units of his smallest wager / hour. So…., if
블랙잭 is $5 and he places bets of between $5 – $25, he normally takes in roughly $30 / hour. Sometimes he wins more and sometimes has also lost $300, but consistency will ultimately pay off.
If a player wants to average wins of $100 / playing session, the same amount equal to his daily earned after tax income. Taking the win : loss ratio of 5 : 1, and a implementing a stop-loss set at $100, this means he had to win $120 5 x to cover for a loss of $100 on the 6th session. The players’ stop-loss is set at $100 (daily work rate and maximum amount he can afford to lose). Each playing session would be treated as if it was a day at work, so…off days would simply be breaking even. Though the game of Blackjack is win some, lose some, a player can effectively double his income per day.
Any good player keeping records can come up with a similar plan or system – if he earns $50 a day and wins 2 out of 3 times, he can set a stop loss of $50 and aim to win $75 each time he plays.
The system can help players contemplating the move to professional, see that the income can remain the same or even be better than their current income at their present "jobs". They can prove it to themselves and …become profit from playing blackjack. This system will show players what they are capable of, over a period as long as they want, until they feel comfortable to make the move.
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