Arildsen Chambers 發表更新 6 年, 1 月前
Having troubles cleaning that mysterious black stuff off your gas range? I have only had my gas stove for a short time. It was something I always wanted, but I had no idea it would be such high maintenance when cleaning. I decided it’s because of the open flame. I try to cook clean and always wipe up spills that I notice, but somehow those little black specks of whatever it is always seem to appear. I have tried almost everything to get rid of it or at least I thought I had. To my surprise I found something that works like magic. Ammonia!
Ammonia is very stinky, so you will want to open a window or maybe even do this outside. Take a gallon size zip lock bag, any brand will work. Place the grates in the bag. Pour some ammonia into a spray bottle and then spray the grates down really good. Don’t worry, you will not be able to smell the ammonia after the bag is sealed. Let it sit for 8 hours or overnight is fine too. When the time is up, cleaning is simple. The black stuff will just wipe off.
As far as cleaning the top of the stove goes, the only way to get that off is by scraping it with a razor blade. Do be very careful, because it can scratch your paint. Sad to say that the ammonia does not work on the top of the stove. I think it is because there just is not a bag big enough to cover the stove. The stove top is also not the same type of paint. Make sure you do not use this method on the cast iron grates. I don’t know what that would do.
From what
professional electric range understand, the best way to clean the cast iron grates is by putting them in your oven on the cleaning mode. If you do not have the self-cleaning oven, then simply heat your oven for a half hour with the grates in there and then the black stuff should come right off.
The best defense to this black stuff is to wife your stove down every time you cook. If you cook on a burner again, before cleaning it, you will bake on any little splatters. Even if you do not see anything, you must always wipe it down before using it again. This will eliminate most of this black stuff.
I don’t even pretend to be the cleanest person, but this is something I have struggled with. I have learned that gas ranges with a white top are very high maintenance. Always wipe your stove down after every meal and put your grates in the dishwasher a couple times a week to keep them clean. Believe me you will save yourself time and a lot of headaches.
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