感嘆人生 !

一個人從出生 0 開始 ,
這中間經過了也許是 !七~八~九十年
也許 是幾天的時間,
慢慢的也從”生”回歸到”死”也是 0 了!
年輕時少狂的我們 追的 是三餐溫飽,圖的是”名利雙收”~
活久了! 又覺得 世風日下 世態炎涼 !
夢想的世界! 一一破滅…….
這幾天看到 認識的一些人,
有些人老了! 有人有幸”子孫滿堂” 乖巧孝順懂事~
有的人卻'”臨死” ~旁無所依 ~ 孤苦痛心等待死神 降臨~
感嘆人生”苦短” 忙忙碌碌” 又辛又苦的,
不知 為何而來 ?
也不知追的是什麼 ? 要完成的又是什麼 ?
真期待 有人能從 死神偷逃回來! 指點 指點迷津喔!
( 哈哈哈 別打我 ! )
余曉如 (lucky小如) 2023.5.21日- 繪畫文寫
部落格 http://www.lucky小如.tw/web/
臉書 https://www.facebook.com/yu.x.ru.3
粉絲專頁 https://www.facebook.com/Yu.xiaoru.lucky.xiaoru/
From the moment a person is born, starting at 0,
During this time, it could be around 70 to 90 years,
Or maybe just a few days.
Slowly, returning from “life” to “death,” it becomes 0 once again!
(Trapped in an endless cycle… with no solution…)
When we were young and reckless, we pursued three meals a day, seeking both “wealth and fame.”
We hoped for a harmonious marriage and a good home.
Having lived for a long time, we now feel that the world is deteriorating and society is cold.
The world of dreams has been shattered one by one…
In recent days, I have encountered some people I know,
Some have grown old! Some are fortunate to have a “house full of descendants,” obedient and filial,
While others are left with no support, lonely and in pain, waiting for the arrival of the grim reaper.
I sigh at the brevity of life, the busyness, the toil and hardship,
Not knowing why we came into this world,
Not knowing what we are chasing after or what we are meant to accomplish?
I truly hope that someone can escape from the clutches of the grim reaper and come back, unraveling the mysteries of life and death!
(Hahaha, don’t hit me!)
Yu Xiaoru-(Xiaoru Yu)(lucky Xiaoru)
May 21, 2023 – Painting and Writing