
而是朋友的女兒 而她伸出了白皙迷人的小手
才發現 “歲月”已經拋棄了我!
以前 鼓勵 的文字 似乎還在耳邊停留,
還真的不能 不向歲月低頭,
真的很想念那個”滿腔熱血”的我 !
.大家好!又是一周, 假日愉快喔!
余曉如 (lucky小如) 2023.4.9日- 製作文寫
部落格 http://www.lucky小如.tw/web/
臉書 https://www.facebook.com/yu.x.ru.3
粉絲專頁 https://www.facebook.com/Yu.xiaoru.lucky.xiaoru/
Time has never shown mercy,
It moves forward beyond “ourselves”!
We never thought much of it,
Until at a dinner party, the person sitting next to me wasn’t a “good friend,”
But rather, the daughter of a friend, and she reached out her fair and charming little hand,
Then I realized that “time” had already abandoned me!
The words of encouragement that used to echo in my ears still linger,
But indeed, I cannot help but bow to time,
Even princesses can feel heavy disappointment~
I really miss the “full of passion” me!
Hello everyone!
It’s another week,
have a happy weekend!
Yu Xiaoru (lucky Xiaoru) 2023.4.9 – Production and writing